On 05/15/2017 05:58 PM, Michael Schumacher wrote:

> I know that user manuals of all software are to be shunned, but dare I
> suggest to provide the readers with links to:
> - the File->Open dialog
> https://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-file-open.html
> - the File->Save dialog
> https://docs.gimp.org/2.8/en/gimp-save-dialog.html
> where the user interface elements mentioned in this thread are visible
> and get explained?

Links to manual pages rule, there are none higher.  If, that is, the
manual provides explicit instructions for the very thing wanted.
Otherwise, a more detailed explanation /and/ links to relevant manual
pages rule, etc.

Although on some occasions one must simply post screen shots of the
process.  Rare occasions, fortunately.


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