>Thank you I will have a look at the video and get back to you.  I
>really appreciate it.

another frustrated new user here on this whole cropping thing.

in photoshop  i throw in 8x10 @ 200, use the crop tool, and what do you know.  I
get a 8x10 crop @ 200

what's the deal with gimp?  I mean what am I missing here...?

I watched the vid.  first off he changes the ruler sizing to inches with some
feature below, which I don't have.  then he goes into print size?

I can't afford to do all these steps on hundreds of images for a catalog.

is there anyway, I can place YxZ and get an 8x10, or 11x14 without jumping
through hoops?

SayCheeze (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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