On 05/25/2017 02:01 AM, Michael Schumacher wrote:
> On 05/25/2017 05:17 AM, Nate Owens wrote:

>> *In earlier versions the text along a path tool worked great...*

[ ... ]

> You could be remembering something different, maybe third-party plug-in.
> If you still got a XCF file with text shaped in this way, it would be
> good if you can share it. Also, anything you know about when this was
> possible can be helpful.

The GIMP's path along text tool works for me, but only in limited
contexts where big transformations are not wanted.

I use Inkscape to do serious text manipulation.  It's the Right Thing To
Do:  Fonts are vector files, so use a vector editor.  Inkscape exports
clean crisp PNG files at any scale, just drop them into the GIMP and

[ ... ]

>> *What are the options to retrieve a usable Gimp?*
> Tell us what doesn't work (like you did here), and then help us to
> figure out why it doesn't work for you.

I'm using GIMP 2.8.10 on a Debian family Linux box, no wackiness noted.
The roommmate has the latest stable build in the 2.8 series on Windows 7
or 10, no wackiness there either.

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