I have installed give the 2.8.2 portable onto a machine running Windows 7

I have installed gimp onto a memory stick so that I can move it from machine to
machine as required.

The base installation works fine and I have no difficulties with that part of
it. However when I tried to install plug-ins, I can't get them to work no matter
where I install them.

I have installed them in the location specified by the plug-in preferences 

c:\users\username\gimp portable\GIMPPortable\data\.gimp\plug-ins
c:\users\username\gimp portable\GIMPPortable\App\gimp\\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins 

I have also copied them to in various obscure folders on the memory stick we
gimp is installed eg Gimp Portable\GIMPPORTABLE\data\\.gimp\.geg-0.0\plug-ins
based on instructions in online posts

Do I have to do something in addition to copying them to the correct folder?

So far, nothing works .

All of the SCM files that came with the installation are installed in this
folder Gimp Portable\GIMPPORTABLE\gimp\share\gimp\2.0\scripts

Help please

Thanks Peregrinus

Peregrinus (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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