First, upgrade if at all possible. Yosemite is probably the worst OS 10 
release. Latest version of El Capitan isn’t bad, and Sierra is almost a good 
OS—stable and predictable, at any rate.

Where did you DL Gimp?  DL only from <>, English 
version. If that looks normal, the problem is not your OS, though see below.

As I don’t use the program in a non-English version on a non-English computer, 
I’m not sure how to diagnose the problem if your OS is running in French (from 
your sign-off, I’m assuming French. Apologies if I’m wrong.

Also, go to System Preferences, Language and Region, and see what is set there. 
Try setting the region temporarily to somewhere English speaking.


> On Jul 31, 2017, at 5:24 AM, BBJ SAM <> wrote:
> Hello, I use Yosemite on my Mac Pro book and I have downloaded 3 versions of 
> GIMP which all show me a font of incomprehensible letters. Do you have any 
> idea of the problem?
> Merci bien
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