On 08/17/2017 02:57 PM, chrisj wrote:
> I morphed a face image with another one, to get a unique face, because I 
> didn't
> want my actual face to be the profile picture on the social website page.
> But it doesn't look as clear as other pictures on the site. 
> Would anyone like to see if they can improve it for me?
> In the world of tagging faces, I really don't want to attach it here for
> eternity.
> Can I discuss this with someone in a PM?

Working blind here, but a few suggestions are possible.

Try the Unsharp Mask filter in the Filters > Enhance menu.  It's easy to
overdo, but if you play with the settings you might get something

You might also want to try some of the filters in the G'MIC package,
such as those under Filters > G'MIC > Details > Sharpen. 

As always, Control+z is your friend:  Back up and try again until you
see something you like. 

Just for fun, you might consider playing around with makeup or grease
paint and using a "real" photo of yourself that automated facial
recognition won't be likely to even recognize as a face. 


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