On Sat, Aug 19, 2017 at 09:50:04PM +0200, TimHelck wrote:
> I have a script-fu script that does some processing to an image and then saves
> it with a new name provided by the user. The process is in the "Image" menu. 
> It
> works on whichever image is open and selected. I can open more images and the
> script works on the new ones. However, if I close one of the images opend
> earlier, the script causes this error:

Only just got this mail today - posts via that website are always
delayed, but I thinmk a week is a new record.  Anyway :

> Error: ( : 2) Procedure execution of gimp-image-get-filename failed on invalid
> input arguments: Procedure 'gimp-image-get-filename' has been called with an
> invalid ID for argument 'image'. Most likely a plug-in is trying to work on an
> image that doesn't exist any longer.
> Once this error occurs I have to exit GIMP and start up fresh.
> Is there a way to overcome this?

When you have problems in Script-Fu, go to the Script-Fu Console via
Filters -> Script-Fu -> Console
and from the Console click on Browse - that will open up the
Procedure Browser where you can search for the procedure.

In this case, I think the error message indicates that the image has
not been passed to the procedure.

> I have tried playing with the values on the SF-IMAGE line. Changing them seems
> to make no difference to the behavior. What are these parameters supposed to 
> do?
> here is my script-fu-register call:
> (script-fu-register 
>   "script-fu-process-sketch"
>   "Process Sketch"
>   "Save all opened images"
>   "Tim Helck"
>   "Tim Helck"
>   "08/13/2017"
>   ""
>   SF-IMAGE  "Image"        -1  

I've only ever written one plugin, for mine the corresponding line
  SF-IMAGE       "Current image" 0

So I would try changing your value from -1 to 0.

You can then refresh the filters via the Script-Fu menu.
>   SF-STRING "New Name"     ""   ;a string variable
> )
> (script-fu-menu-register "script-fu-process-sketch" "<Image>/Image/Process
> Sketch")
> Also -- I am wondering, what difference, if any, does it make if I put this
> script in a different menu?

The only likely change is that you'll have to use the different menu
to access the script.
> Other Info:
> Macbook 10.9.5 (Maverick)
> GIMP 2.8.14
Truth, in front of her huge walk-in wardrobe, selected black leather
boots with stiletto heels for such a barefaced truth.
                                     - Unseen Academicals
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