>i have tried searching all over the web and here and other gimp
>forums, and youtube for this, but surprisngly i cannot find the info i
>i enjoy taking various speeds of time-laps photographs, and would love
>to now elarn how to animate them, and hear that gimp is ideal for this
>i simply wish to arrange the photos in the correct order/series, then
>make them into little animated gifs and videos, and perhaps loops of
>the same.
>are there any decent tutorials where i won't get bogged down with
>other stuff i won't need?
>i am so frustrated trying to do what i hoped would be a simple thing
>to learn, but so far gimp is just confusing me.
>(what is the 2warning.pat"? and what is it warning about?)

replying to my own post here, BUT:
here is an EXCELLENT tutorial on exactly what i was after which may help anyone
you could use this for anything from rapid screenshot animation, to animating
time-lapse, of, say, a plastecine model like Morph (if anyone ever watch UK TV's
Take Hart art program in the 70s)


GimpyGapper (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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