On Fri, 2017-10-20 at 12:30 -0400, Kevin Cozens wrote:
> On 2017-10-20 12:01 PM, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
> > I'm considering buying a new monitor (and graphics card) which
> > supports
> > 10 bits per color channel.
> > Will Gimp on a Linux machine (X11) support this now or in the near
> > future.
> > Or is it just waste of money to buy a monitor with more than 8
> > bits/color channel?

I have a monitor with a wide gamut, which is awesome. And i also have
one that does 10 bit colour. Last time i tried running X11 in 10bpc
instead of 8bpc i found that too much broke outside gimp's image window
- including the gimp toolbox and docks and all window decorations (for
all windows, not just gimp), as something (libgtk and the desktop
compositor both i think) was still trying to use 8 bits for
transparency when 10 bits means a 32 bit word is (10R, 10G, 10B, 2
alpha). But it worked fine in Windows, and my guess is that if it
doesn't work already it'll work in the gtk3 version of gimp planned
some times after gimp 2.10.

i could repeat the experiment maybe in the next few days if it'd be of


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