On 11/21/2017 05:52 AM, Glenda Guy wrote:

> Hello, I am establishing a photo website and would like to have two
> options for digital photo downloads:  6x4 to 10x15 and 12x18 upwards.
> All my photos are taken at 300ppi.
> Is there a way in GIMP where I can change the photos so a customer
> can download a file that will print with optimal results 10x15 down
> to 6x4 but no bigger unless they choose the 12x18 upwards file?

For the restrictive "no bigger" that you likely have in mind, the answer
is: No.

Nothing will prevent anyone from printing any image at any size.

But you control the number of original pixels they get.

There is Image -> Scale to do this, but I assume you already know how to
scale images to any desired size in pixels.

The customers can scale the image up again, of course, and have the
interpolation method of their choice invent new pixels from what they
got. These do not necessarily look the same, so I guess this would
suffice to fulfill your goal.

GPG: 96A8 B38A 728A 577D 724D 60E5 F855 53EC B36D 4CDD
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