I too, often receive  bursts of 'late' messages but today[April 10, 2018] is 
exceptional. I had 100 messages waiting in my inbox. The earliest of which is 
dated March 15, 2018 with the subject line 'How to print'. Ironically, this is 
dated the same as yours!


---- On Thu, 15 Mar 2018 01:33:42 +0000 Carol 
Spears<carol.spe...@gmail.com> wrote ---- 

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 2:48 AM, Andrew < 
andrew.alangdondavies...@smtp.gnome.org> wrote: 
> On 13/03/18 07:16, Ben Oliver wrote: 
>> Every now and then I get a burst of mail from this list all at once, 
>> of which can be 3-5 days old. I don't think they are duplicates. 
>> Does anyone else have this issue? 
> Happens to me too. Pretty sure they're not duplicates. 
I made their web site install by just typing "make", basically. So now I 
wonder if it is a clog in the approval filter which is perhaps on 
someones phone *or* someone needs to type make somewhere.... 
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