On 04/15/2018 08:28 AM, Beinsezii wrote:

> I've installed GEGL 3.30, libmypaint 1.3.0, and mypaint-brushes 1.0 from their
> respective gits provided by GIMP's "INSTALL" file. Process for each was "git
> clone url", "./configure && make", "sudo make install" However, GIMP's
> ./configure still reports-
> """
> Error: GIMP configuration failed.
> - Error: missing dependency gegl-0.3 >= 0.3.30
> - Error: missing dependency libmypaint >= 1.3.0
> - Error: missing dependency mypaint-brushes-1.0 

Did you also adjust the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable to make
sure that they are found at the location where you installed them?

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