On Sat, Apr 21, 2018 at 05:12:45PM +0200, rich404 wrote:
> I do not suppose any of you mailing list guys ever even think of looking at 
> the
> gimpusers forum, after all why should you.
> but similar question came up a few days ago
> http://www.gimpusers.com/mailmsg.php?89758%40forums.gimpusers.com

I expect we'll receive that in a few days or weeks, whenever someone
has time to approve the 'unsubscribed' posts, but -

> The Gimp 2.10 appimage is not the best when it come to adding scripts and
> plugins, however for once it works.
> Just pop the script sg-luminosity-masks29.scm in
> ~/.config/GIMP-AppImage/2.10/scripts/
> looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/5EXnsrb.jpg

You might have that directory, but in my from-source RC2 install my
local scripts are read from


i.e. GIMP not GIMP-AppImage : something different in how your
version was built ?  I only ask because there will be enough pain
from updating old documentation without multiple variants of the
directory name.

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