Thanks for the suggestion.
Rick S.

-----Original Message----- From: programmer_ceds
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 9:41 AM
Subject: [Gimp-user] Sample of light theme requested

If you are running on Windows Partha ( has a portable build that doesn't interfere with the 2.8 version that you have installed at the moment. It doesn't have to be installed and if you don't like it you can simply delete the folder that contains it. That way you could see first hand what the
themes look like. Its also possible to increase the size of the icons using
"Edit/Preferences/Icon Theme"

Hello list,

Can anybody send me a screenshot of the 2.10.0 CR2 theme “Light” and
some samples of the icon themes? The screenshots in the recent news
clippings weren’t big enough to make a decision on upgrading when the
time comes.

I have a small recently-acquired vision problem so I have been using
GIMP 2.8.16 with the Color-32 theme very successfully. Trendy though
it may be, grey type on a grey background doesn’t work well for me.

I can appreciate that turning the foreground GUI colors to black and
the background colors to white (or vice-versa, as required) is
probably a big job but I think a fair number of GIMP users with some
level of vision difficulty would appreciate it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Rick S.

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