>I knew that I was just being dense, but still had hoped that I wasn't
>quite that dense!! I thank you. Given your kindness, may I ask one
>more question? I've attached an image. If I want to extract just the
>book from this image and move it to a different background (often
>black with other images on it), what are the steps? I can make it work
>sometimes, but I'm pretty sure I'm doing it incorrectly as it takes
>forever and only works sometimes. If I could buy you a beer to thank
>you, I would!! C

You need to extract the foreground (the book) many ways to do that. You could
try the scissors tool.

see: https://docs.gimp.org/en/gimp-tool-iscissors.html

First add transparency Layer -> Transparency -> Add alpha Channel

Make a selection using the scissors tool see screenshot 1

Invert the selection Select -> Invert

Cut the selection Edit -> Cut

That leaves just the book in a transparent layer.

The background goes under that

but - always a but---

Take note of the light falling on the book. It really needs a shadow.

Add a layer between book and background, make a suitable selection using free
select tool (dotted in an outline as an example). Fill with black. Turn
selection off Select -> none. Blur Filters - > Blur -> Gaussian blur. Reduce the
opacity of the layer, slider top of layers dialogue.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/885/original/01-book.jpg
* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/886/original/02-book.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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