On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 10:10:37PM +0200, Johann Spies wrote:
> I have read on a 12-year old flickr discussion that Gimp does not save
> exif information in other formats than XCF and jpeg.
> I just experimented with Darktable exporting an image to Gimp2.10 which pass
> it back to Darktable using png and tiff(32bit) formats and in both cases
> the exif-information of the image edited in Gimp was missing.  Is there
> a way to do this exchange in tif (which I prefer) and keep the
> exif-information?
I've edited EXIF information in a png created from gimp-2.{8,9}
after importing from {,n}ufraw, using Image::ExifTool in a bash script
to add and remove fields.  I remove fields because what I put online
is typically reduced to 2048 pixels maximum dimension, so
information from the camera quoting an original image size will be
at best misleading.

And I assume that I can still do this in 2.10, but since it is
something I do as the last stage of processing I have not had
occassion to try it.  To be more specific: gimp creates some, maybe
all, fields, but what I want is to 'publish' only a few, and to add
e.g. title and license.  My current process re-reads EXIF data from
the camera's own jpeg.

Not sure platform you are working on, but perhaps you can do
something similar.  And in general things change over 12 years!
Even the size of files you can upload to flickr.

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