On 05/13/18 19:12, Michael Schumacher wrote:
On 05/13/2018 06:54 PM, Ofnuts wrote:

Another reason is that it is not in Windows users' mentality (and
perhaps in non-programmers' mentality) to report bugs... Consider things
broken and abandon silently, often, whine in forums, sometimes, but
report bugs, never.  And it's not only with Gimp... Maybe we should find
a middle ground between the useless "It's broken, fix it" and the
intimidating formality of the bug report on Bugzilla.
You mean "people", not "Windows users". Being able to describe anything
in a way that is easy to understand is an acquired skill.

The middle ground is already there - there are regulars on every list
and forum with experience in the tools involved, and they can make it
their task to convert "it is broken!"-type message into useful bug
reports, or refer to existing ones.

A recent example would be


which resulted in the following two new bug reports:


Also that one: https://www.gimp-forum.net/Thread-Text-Along-Path-Problem--1988

that became: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=796021

Still, a rather small team of regulars.

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