>Version: 2.10
>System: Win 7
>When I use the foreground selection tool, it seems to close (the
>circle turns yellow when hovering over it) but the foreground nor the
>background is selected blue (or anything) and the brush keeps having
>the selection shape, instead of the brushing tool.
>I don't know what's up with that. I'm new user, following tutorials on

It is no good looking at those old tutorials. Things change and any tutorial for
any version Gimp is set up to deliver the best possible outcome.

With Gimp 2.10 make your selection then hit *Enter Key* to activate the
selection. https://i.imgur.com/EVkDBX3.jpg

Now you can paint in the foreground, as many times as you like it updates as you
use the brush. https://i.imgur.com/tn8FZZZ.jpg

If you click on preview you can see bits that are not so wonderful and touch
them up, both foreground and background. Then when complete hit the enter key. 

That will give a selection. https://i.imgur.com/kFxQ1Wd.jpg

FG-select has not improved much from Gimp 2.8. Usually have to finish off going
around the perimeter in quick mask mode.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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