
While working on v2.10, we removed scripts that used to be available
via 'File > Create' and 'Filters > Alpha to Logo' submenus. This is
because the scripts generated rather dated-looking graphics mostly of
subpar quality.

However it turns out that some users still want them and ask how they
can get them back. So we moved them to a package we used to maintain,
called gimp-data-extras. It used to contain just brushes and patterns,
now it also contains scripts.

The new release is available from

The Git repository is here: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp-data-extras/

Changes in v2.0.4:

- Updated license to GPLv3+
- Moved brushes to dedicated folders to enable tags
- Moved all patterns to the Legacy folder to tag them accordingly
- Added scripts obsoleted in GIMP 2.10
  ('File > Create' and 'Filters > Alpha to Logo'
  and update some PDB use to match changes in 2.10
- Modernized automake
- Switched to minor/micro versioning

If you are a Linux user, you should be able to install the package
following the usual ./configure && make && make install routine (you
can also ping gimp-data-extras packager of your Linux distribution to
update it). Windows users can simply unpack the archive and copy
scripts to their local GIMP folder.

Please note that while the package is called gimp-data-extras, you
should really treat it as gimp-data-legacy.

Additionally, please note that some of the plug-ins we disabled in
2.10 don't quite belong there for a variety of reasons.

gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:    gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
List archives:   https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gimp-user-list

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