>A couple of things there:
>I am sure you are using the correct linking 'icon' - the chain next to
>the visibility icon but 'lock pixels is something different.
>quote - The only thing that moves is the background.
>Moving a layer that contains transparency such as text.
>Either, make sure you click on 'solid' pixels or toggle the `Move the
>active layer' option. Otherwise the next solid layer under the cursor
>will move, often the background.
>The other thing to check is the layer mode. Three options, layers -
>selections - paths. Use the first.
>rich: www.gimp-forum.net

I'm using 2.10, so it's a little different from your image - but it should still
function the same.
I ended up just "CTRL-Zing" until I got to a earlier point and it started acting
right so maybe I set something wrong ??????
I don't know but like I was able to do what I needed.


Philbeaux (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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