On Wed, 2018-08-01 at 20:09 +0200, pihentagy wrote:
> Hi all!
> My daugther's drawing became a bit ill (wrinkled). Can you point me
> to a
> tutorial where I can fix somehow this wrinkle?

I'd try
(1) use curves to brighten the highlights and get rid of most of the
(2) use the erasor tool to remove remaining shadows
(3) use dodge with a large soft brush (e.g. 200 pixel radius 50%
hardness) and 50% opacity, mode highlights, to get rid of shadows
behind coloured areas
(4) use colours/curves to darken everything to reverse the transform in
(5) use enhance/unsharpen

i had a quick go at https://www.holoweb.net/liam/download/tancos.jog

Liam (slave ankh)
> Attachments:
> * http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/988/original/tancos.jpg

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