On Thu, 8 Nov 2018 22:02:08 -0500, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
> * Robert Krawitz <r...@alum.mit.edu> [11-08-18 21:26]:
>> On Fri, 28 Sep 2018 22:04:50 -0400 (EDT), Robert Krawitz wrote:
>> > It appears that even if I uncheck single window mode, when I run
>> >
>> > gimp *.tif
>> >
>> > it always opens in single window mode.  Hopefully there's just a
>> > setting I missed?
>> It's worse; it appears that whenever I start GIMP *period*, it's in
>> single window mode.
>> I don't like single window mode.  I just don't.  That's my final
>> answer.  It just doesn't fit my working style, which is to have lots
>> of windows open all over the place.  And I don't want tiled, either.
>> Again, personal preference.
>> But I cannot find a way to turn it off permanently.  I can uncheck
>> Windows->Single Window Mode, but the next time I start it, it's back
>> to single window mode.  I haven't found an option to disable it by
>> default either; hopefully I've just missed it?
> fwiw: I don't either.  I just opened gimp.  it opened into single window
> mode.  I unchecked "single window mode", closed and reopened and got
> multiple window mode.  

What happens if you run it as

gimp <filename>


> gimp-2.10.6-2.18.x86_64
> opensuse Tumbleweed 20181107

I'm using Leap 15.0, so probably built the same way.
Robert Krawitz                                     <r...@alum.mit.edu>

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