On Tue, 13 Nov 2018 12:20:15 +0100, Jurgen Schouten via gimp-user-list

> Of course, I can not tell if the problem is that the DLL's are missing in
> the installer, or that they're actually present in the installer, but that
> there is an error in the install script in the installer, causing them not
> to be installed, or not correctly.

These DLLs aren't present in the current GIMP installer, because they're
not needed by anything shipped in the installer. You're seeing the errors
because you installed some 3rd-party plug-in that depends on these DLLs (if
you look at the error message, the plug-in that's causing the error should
be written in the titlebar).

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< http://eternallybored.org/ >

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