On 6/26/19 10:34 AM, scyr123 wrote:
> I use Windows 10.  Recently updated to GIMP 2.10.12.  I search for an image
> online, then use right mouse click to get to "Save Image As" option.  When I
> select this option, the window pops up for me to name the file, but the only
> "Save As Type" option I get is GIMP 2.10.12.  I no longer see options of .jpg,
> .png, etc.  I have no idea where the setting might be to change the option so 
> I
> can save these files in other formats.  I don't want every file to be saved 
> for
> use in GIMP.  Any assistance is greatly appreciated.  Image attached to show
> issue.
> Attachments:
> * 
> https://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/1202/original/GIMP_Issue_Screen_Shot.png

The "Save as type" option in the dialog window should present a list
when clicked on; if it does not, that indicates that either something
changed a Windows Registry key that should contain a list of image file
types, or that something went wrong with the program (browser) that
presents the dialog.  To determine which, try downloading an image file
off a web page with a different browser.

The good news:  Regardless of the file name extension, a JPG "saved as
XCF" remains a JPG, and etc. in all but name.  To confirm this, manually
rename a saved image file from XCF to JPG (or some other common image
file extension) and "double click to open" the renamed file.  Your
default image viewer should open and display the file.  Renaming files
as you save them presents as an annoyance but not a show stopper.

You might try searching for "xcf" in Regedit or whatever Microsoft uses
to manage registry contents; if you find the offending entry you might
be able to manually restore other file extensions to the list.  Or try
asking in a Windows user support forum.  The last MS operating system I
had anything to do with was XP...


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