said Liam R E Quin:
| On Tue, 2019-09-24 at 17:51 +0200, Andrew-Yellow-Jackets wrote:
| > 1) I have an Adobe Acrobat license at work.  I can go into edit mode,
| > pick the
| > image, then tell it to open with GIMP.
| >
| > 2) Open the PDF with Inkscape.
| On Linux™ systems you can also do this by opening the image in the
| GNOME Document Viewer (evince) and right-clicking Save Image.

The heritage of the PDF has something to do with it also. A lot of PDFs are 
basically themselves a single image per page, in which case you open it in 
the GIMP and crop it down to the image, which you save by whatever name 
and in whatever format you want, all the while weeping over the poor 
quality of the thing, unless it's a very high resolution PDF. No?

Some pictures:

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