On 10/16/19 4:01 PM, Corina Kuhlmann via gimp-user-list wrote:

> How do I cancel my subscription? Not interested in paying $8 a week...

If you are referring to an app you bought on the iOS app store - or
rather rented, in this case - then there's nothing we can do, unfortunately.

Someone just thought that it would be a great scheme to make money by
stealing the GIMP name and Wilber logo and slapping it onto their own

We did complain about that, of course, but Apple is playing their usual
"if it doesn't cost us money or endangers our won brands, we're not
going to act" game.

So you should complain to Apple and use whatever refund methods they
offer in cases of fraud. This may get them to act, because it might make
them lose money.

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