>I'm using the warp tool with:
>move pixels
>hardness 0 
>strenght 100
>step 10
>And I want to move the pointer across the image one side to the other
>but in a
>straight line in the X axis. Is there a way to restrict/confine the
>movement so it keeps moving in a straight line, even if the mouse
>moves a little
>bit up and down in the Y axis?
>Imstead of one pointer that will allow me to ise the warp tool in ome
>line. Is
>it possible to have several pointers so multiple "deformations " are
>created at
>the same time?

Ok I found out that mouse movement is a function of the OS, so Gimp just react
to the mouse movement provided by the OS from where it is running. In my case
Windows. There is no direct way for Gimp to restrict the mouse movement so
another alternative have to be use. Then I found Mouse Keys wish is a function
of Windows from the Easy of Access tools. With that you use your arrow keys to
move the mouse pointer. Since the pointer will move only in the direction of the
arrow key that is being presses the pointer will move in a straight direction
until another arrow key is pressed. To avoid any problems you can detach or turn
off your mouse during movement.

3d1l (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)
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