Am 30.11.19 um 21:31 schrieb rhimbo:

> I'm trying to remove the red rectangle and in its place just have the
> "background" that was there before the red rectangle was added.

Trying a very non-complex approach:

Use the color picker tool to pick up the background color, then use the
paint brush with an appropriately sized brush to paint over the rectangle.

> Attachments:
> * 

For that image, the method above is quite fast, except for the area
around the h in Cheers.

The text in the screenshots shows some sub-pixel hinting artifacts, for
better screenshots it might be wise to turn subpixel hinting off before
taking them, or make sure this is done by grayscale pixels only.

You should specify how many images your "several are", and how many
annotations your are going to remove from each on average.

Also, avoid JPEG for anything but the final exports - using this format
introduces artifacts around every edge, and will complicate your task

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