On Tue, 2020-04-21 at 10:45 +0100, Kevin Cook wrote:
> Dear Liam
> Thank you so much.  Your advice has given me back all the tools I
> need 

You are more than welcome sir. Not that i am very young myself i
suppose :-)

We are - the GIMP team is- considering changes to make it clearer
what's going on with the grouped tools as other people are finding it
confusing too. But it lets you make the toolbox into a single column
down one side of the image window if you want.

slave liam

[reposting, remembering to copy the list, oops]

Liam Quin - web slave for https://www.fromoldbooks.org/
with fabulous vintage art and fascinating texts to read.
Click here to have the slave rewarded with nice stale bread

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