The Gimp is useful for me for two purposes:

- Repairing scanned photos (removing scratches and stains)
- Creating pictures to post on a web site I manage.

I have two versions of the Gimp: Gimp 2.4.0-rc3 on an old laptop (ubuntu 7.10) and Gimp 2.8 on my desktop computer (Linuxmint 17).

When I have to do serious picture editing, I use the older version, because of features that are lacking on the more recent one:

- The toolbox on the left of the screen, which is very useful to switch tools quickly and easiliy. - The possibility of adjusting the size of text pasted on an image, as long as it is not anchored.
- The automatic closure, as a straight line, of the freehand selection tool.
- The ease of editing foreground and background colours. I have not found the way to even do it with the newer version.

The need of continued use of the Gimp 2.4.0-rc3 prevents me from updating the system on the laptop. It would also be more convenient to use the older version of the Gimp on the desktop computer, along with current versions of other software.

I would therefore be happy with a 32 bit i-386 Debian package (.deb file, to install with the dpkg -i command) of the Gimp 2.4.0-rc3. Is there any way to get it?

Thank you
Jacques LE FÈVRE
2 impasse du Merle Blanc
29200 BREST - France
+33 6 12 59 36 97

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