
My name is Christian Watson and I am a Supply Chain Risk Management Coordinator 
at NASA Glenn Research Center  As such, I ensure that all NASA Headquarter IT 
purchase requests comply with Section 514 of the Consolidated Appropriations 
Act, 2018, Public Law 115-141 (amended), enacted February 28, 2018.  To do so, 
the country of origin information must be obtained from the company that 
develops, produces, manufactures, or assembles the product(s).  Specifically, 
identify the country where each of the following products were developed, 
manufactured, and assembled:


Additionally, if the country of origin is outside the United States, please 
provide any information you may have stating that testing is performed in the 
United States prior to supplying products to customers.
Lastly, if available, please identify all authorized distributors of the 
product in question and provide a statement stating whether the product 
contains any components from the following companies, which NASA Is required by 
law to not do business with:

  *   ZTE Corporation
  *   Hytera / Hytera Communications Corporation
  *   Huawei / Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
  *   Hikvision / Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
  *   Dahua / Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co., Ltd.

Thank You.

Christian Watson
Peerless Technologies Corporation
NASA Glenn Research Center
21000 Brook Park Rd, MS 142-1
Cleveland, OH 44135

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