On 10/1/20 7:47 PM, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> "Delete Cropped pixels"

Honestly, with every change the gimp is getting harder and harder to
use, and it is time to find an alternative.  For nearly 20 year now,
every change has been screwing the end user.  The stupidist one is the
save/export fiasco.  It's inability to rotate correctly is just rank
amateurness and it wasn't always the case. This BS with the crop was
fixing another non problem to make the program miserable to use.
Control Z works.  Making a copy and working on that also works.  This
was just a crap change and now every crop needs to have me hunting
through the menus to ... to like CROP.

You want a "non-destructive crop" then DON'T CROP.

I mean, really, what the hell is wrong with these developers.  This is a
mature product that has been in use for DECADES.  It is not a private
playground for your masters degree thesis and every idea out of the
slaveware world is no a good one to be duplicated.

the situation with the elimination of the toolbox, that was just INSANE.

To this DAY the one feature that would be really useful, a file selector
with thumbnails, like something xv could do in the mid-1990s, the gimp
STILL can't do that.

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Being so tracked is for FARM ANIMALS and extermination camps,
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