On Fri, 2020-10-02 at 19:38 -0400, Gene Heskett wrote:
> My whole point is that there is no way to set the defaults AND
> setting 
> anything else restores the default of 18 px, switches it back to sans
> font, and the selected color back to black.  Changing ANY of those 
> settings should change them at the very least for the lifetime of the
> current session. 

It does, but you must change them in tool optoins, not in the on-canvas
controls. You can also have gimp save tool options on exit, or you can
save them at any time, from Edit/Preferences (click on Tool Options in
the list on the left).

slave liam

Liam Quin - web slave for https://www.fromoldbooks.org/
with fabulous vintage art and fascinating texts to read.

Full-time "slave" in voluntary servitude since 1997

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