On Fri, 2021-09-10 at 12:11 -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Sep 2021, Liam R E Quin wrote:
> > Make sure you are eiter (1) changing the size in tool options, or
> > (2)
> > selecting the text before using the on-canvas tool.
> Liam,
> I'm not finding an Options item in the Tools menu.

Go to WIndows->Dockable Dialogues and you can see "Tool Options"; it's
the most important dialogue box in all of GIMP, so it's worth knowing.
It changes depending on the tool yu have selected.

> Using the rectangle select tool I enclose the text, select the text
> tool
> option box, change the font size, and nothing changes in that layer
> on the
> image.

Do not use the rectangle select tool.

Instead, use the Text Tool (an A in the toolbox, or fromthe Tools
menu). Click on the text. Controls such as font and size should appear
just above the text, right on the image. The cursor changes to a sort 
of capital I or vertical line.

Now the Tool Options dialogue shows the font and  size for the whole
text objet.

Or, to change the size of just some of the letters in that text box:
when the cursor is the vertical line / I-beam, and there are text
controls right on the image canvas, drag over  hte letters you want to
change, and you should see yellow boxes arond them.  Once you have done
that, you can use the on-canvas font, size, boldm italic, etc.,
controls to affect the yellow-boxed text.

If that doesn't work i can  make a video, or if you shuffle along over
to Discord i can share my screen for you, or someone else can.

Liam Quin - https://www.fromoldbooks.org/
with fabulous vintage art and fascinating texts to read.
Full-time "slave" in voluntary servitude

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