On Monday, July 25, 2022, 14:57:00, Francesco Mazzanti via gimp-user-list wrote:

> I'm an old user of GIMP: I'm installing the new gimp version 2.10.32 (I
> used "Download GIMP 2.10.32 directly") and for the first time my antivirus
> detected some malware (Mal/EncPk-ANX). Is it normal?

Right-click the installer, go to Digital signatures tab and double-click the 
digital signature there (you should see two of them with "Jernej Simončič" as 
the signer, it doesn't matter which one you double-click). If the window that 
opens shows "This digital signature is OK", and the signer is "Jernej 
Simončič", the installer is fine, and your antivirus has a false positive, 
which you should report.

If the digital signature isn't fine, the file was signed by somebody else, or 
the Digital signatures tab is missing altogether, somebody has altered the 
installer you downloaded, and you should delete it and download it again from 

< Jernej Simončič ><><><><>< https://eternallybored.org/ >

No good deed goes unpunished.
       -- Luce's Law

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