* andrea farneti via gimp-user-list <gimp-user-list@gnome.org> [08-05-22 18:23]:
> Good morning
> I purchased Gimp for a fee on my Lenovo M10 Tablet and also on my Android
> Motorola e40

sure hope you got your money's worth.  

> In both cases the program does not work, the files cannot be opened and
> there are always screens of colors or brushes present on the opening home
> page, the closing crosses of the panels do not work and there is always an
> X on the screen that turns and is useless
> What do you advise me to do?
> The program is purchased on Google Play with a credit card

contact the seller for his warrantee.

the next time you make a purchase, please research the product and the
seller and warrantee.

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri
http://en.opensuse.org    openSUSE Community Member    facebook/ptilopteri
Photos: http://wahoo.no-ip.org/piwigo                   paka @ IRCnet oftc
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