On Sun, Oct 23, 2022 at 01:01:57PM -0400, Rick Strong wrote:
> I don’t want to dis GIMP, which has been good for me, but I do suggest people 
> look at Affinity software at https://affinity.serif.com.
> Their three products: Publisher (publication layout), Photo (photo and pixel  
> manipulation) and Designer (vector illustration) are all first rate. Very low 
> priced and NO SUBSCRIPTION. Free trials. Win, Mac & Ipad versions. A very 
> helpful community. This is my go-to suite now.
> Cheers,
> Rick S.

For some of us, particularly those on linux and BSDs, free/libre
source which we can compile ourselves is important.  Recommending
proprietary software on what is still a gimp list sounds like

Greater love hath no woman for the premiership than to lay down the
life of her bosom friend in an attempt to save her own skin.
                                     -- Andrew Rawnsley
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