Gilbert Laycock wrote:
> I have a rather slow old machine, and often want to browse
> through directories of numerically named pictures from a digital
> camera. Clicking the "generate preview" can take quite a long time, so
> I would like to pre-generate the preview thumbnails if possible.
> I know the previews are stored in .xvpics, as some sort of pnm
> image, but how can I find out exactly what format is required? My
> attempts at using convert to create previews have failed so far - I
> can produce a little image that is very similar to the ones gimp
> produces, but gimp just ignores them when it comes to using them for
> previews.

My favorite is GQview from John Ellis. You can find it:

Primarily it's a great browser and you can easily fire gimp (or other
editors). You can also catalog your pictures.

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