Am Donnerstag, 15. August 2002 13:59 schrieb Joel:
> To copy the visible parts of the image, use these pdb functions:
> gimp_image_merge_visible_layers               # combine layers in original file
> gimp_rect_select                                      # create a selection (in 
> gimp_edit_copy                                        # copy original to clipboard
> gimp_edit_paste                                       # paste it as a new floating 
> Exact parameters, and a bit of documentation, are in the PDB. (/Xtns/DB
> Browser ...)

That's exactly what I thought. But it doesn't seem to work. If you don't mind, 
I'll give you my code so far (no loop for the next three pics yet):

(define (mm-to-pixel mm xy)
        (if (= xy 0)
                (+ (* (/ mm 25.4) (car (gimp-get-monitor-resolution))) 0.5)
                (+ (* (/ mm 25.4) (cadr (gimp-get-monitor-resolution))) 0.5)
(define (script-fu-dina4-4 sheet-border-mm path-1)
                (din-a4-x (mm-to-pixel 297 0))
                (din-a4-y (mm-to-pixel 210 1))
                (sheet-width (- din-a4-x (* (mm-to-pixel sheet-border-mm 0) 2)))
                (sheet-height (- din-a4-y (* (mm-to-pixel sheet-border-mm 1) 2)))
                (sheet-ratio (/ sheet-width sheet-height))
                (sheet (car (gimp-image-new sheet-width sheet-height RGB)))
                (pic-1 (car (gimp-file-load 1 path-1 path-1)))
                (pic-width (car (gimp-image-width pic-1)))
                (pic-height (car (gimp-image-height pic-1)))
                (pic-ratio (/ pic-width pic-height))
;next 2 lines: minus 2 pixel for a small white line between the four pictures
                (new-pic-width (- (/ sheet-width 2) 2))
                (new-pic-height (- (/ sheet-height 2) 2))
                (layer-1 (car (gimp-layer-new sheet new-pic-width new-pic-height 0 
100 0)))
; if the picture is portrait, it must be made landscape:
                (if (< pic-ratio 1.0)
                                (plug-in-rotate 0 pic-1 pic-1 3 TRUE)
                                (set! pic-width (car (gimp-image-width pic-1)))
                                (set! pic-height (car (gimp-image-height pic-1)))
                                (set! pic-ratio (/ pic-width pic-height))
; the picture must fit either high or wide, depending on its ratio:
                (if (< pic-ratio sheet-ratio)
                        (set! new-pic-width (* new-pic-height pic-ratio))
                        (set! new-pic-height (/ new-pic-width pic-ratio))
                (gimp-image-scale pic-1 new-pic-width new-pic-height)
                (if (> (car (gimp-image-get-layers pic-1)) 1)
                        (gimp-image-merge-visible-layers pic-1 1)
                (gimp-image-add-layer sheet layer-1 0)
                (gimp-rect-select pic-1 0 0 new-pic-width new-pic-height 0 FALSE 0)
                (gimp-edit-copy (car (gimp-image-get-selection pic-1)))
                (gimp-edit-paste layer-1 0)
                (gimp-display-new sheet)
; testing just to see the scaling:
                (gimp-display-new pic-1)
                (gimp-image-clean-all sheet)
                (gimp-image-clean-all pic-1)
(script-fu-register "script-fu-dina4-4"
        "Erzeugt eine DINA4-Seite mit 4 Bildern zur Druckausgabe"
        "Volker Lenhardt"
        "GNU, Volker Lenhardt"
        "12. August 2002"
        SF-VALUE "Seitenrand (mm)" "10"
        SF-FILENAME "Datei" "/bilder/"

If you try it out you'll find that the selection in pic-1 isn't in the 
edit-buffer, there's a white area instead.

What is wrong with my script?

> Note that if you just select, then copy, and then paste, Gimp will put the
> floating layer in the center of the new document. Use the
> gimp_layer_translate function to move it to where you want it to go. In
> Python (not sure what the equivalent is in Scheme), I use this code to find
> the physical dimensions of the stuff I want to copy, taking transparency
> into consideration:

As I define a layer in "sheet" with exactly the wanted dimensions there's no 
need for me to change the default middle position. Sure I have to position 
the next three layers to their quarters.

>    pdb.gimp_selection_layer_alpha(originalFile.layers[0])
>    empty, x1, y1, x2, y2 = pdb.gimp_selection_bounds(originalFile)
> Then, using that, I'll calculate the top/right position :
>    x = (x1 + x2 - originalFile.width) / 2
>    y = (y1 + y2 - originalFile.width) / 2
>    # Now, adjust for the position where the old image should be put into
> the # new image
>    x = x + top                # top and left are values that I pass in
>    y = y + left
>    pdb.gimp_layer_translate(floatLayer, x, y)

I'm very curious. Greetings from Volker

Volker Lenhardt
Am Spinnweg 19, 45894 Gelsenkirchen, Germany
Tel.: 0209-30213 - Fax: 0209-390437
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