What window manager are you using?

I use IceWM, and that steals the alt-click combo, so I can't use it.

Fortunately, ctrl-alt-click works.  Try that.

Eric Pierce

> GIMP user manual says:
> "Note: To move a selection without making it float, you have to select
> the Move tool and press the Alt key as you drag the (empty) selection to
> another position. If you try to use the Move tool on a non-floating
> selection without pressing the Alt key, you will just move the entire
> layer or background."
> I just can't make it happen. I want to make a selection and then move it
> to the right plase WITHOUT moving it's contents or any part of image.
> Just the selection. Like in PhotoShop...
> I am using GIMP 1.2.3 & 1.3.17
> And besides I am a newbie! :)
> --
> Mikelis Zalais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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