On Sun, 1 Aug 2004 03:34 pm, John J. Zanath wrote:
> Gentlepeople:
> I've downloaded a few freeware pix managers simply to find one that allows
> easy "thinning down" of jpegs for quicker eBay downloading.  Is this called
> resizing, resampling, or what?
> I can't call up HELP to find out how this is done in Gimp, as I get a
>   The GIMP help files are not installed.
>   Could not open 'C:\Program
> Files\GIMP-2.0\share\gimp\2.0\help\en\gimp-help.xml' for reading: No such
> file or directory
>   Please check your installation.
> message.  Yet there's no indication of any additional downloading for Help
> files on the Gimp download site, that I can find.
> Please clue me as to whether I should be using Gimp of another, easier to
> learn-into product.  I'm a post 9/11 aerospace layoff case, never did learn
> the details of jpeg so I don't know what thinning is called, or technically
> what it is.  I had a ULEAD product on my old obsolete laptop, its 3.0
> version free trial ended on my new system and I have no cash for the
> product (they won't sell me an upgrade, as old version is not on current
> system!)
> Surely someone offers a thinnr that allows finer options than 10%, 20%,
> etc.?  Ideally with a slider, like ULEAD has? And which *previews the
> thinned version before you save it, AND indicates the download time for a
> modem user, so you can select the thinness intelligently?*
> I sound like a real jerk here, I know (I've done top level systems design
> for UDLP, MAgnavox, and then Rockwell till 9/11, but I'm no visuals dude)
> -- kindly help me, I'm hanging in there (barely) on eBay, and need to
> optimize (is that the term?) pix fast and now, and get on with survival.
> Why is it so hard to find a product that actually reduces storage size of
> pix without reducing their display size?  Or again don't I know enough
> about how jpeg display products like IE and eBay render jpegs?  I want
> right-size pix, not thumbnails, that are quick loading, and show up in
> Windows Explorer as smaller in storage size.
> That's all I want, and yet can't seem to get it!
> Thanks for whatever you can do to help a real newbie at this freeware
> stuff....
> Best wishes,
> John Zanath
Open file in Gimp, Rightclick in pic area, save as  .jpg, will be presented 
with a slider to compress
Take Care
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