
Eric Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> So I'm loading this psd file in Gimp that my co-worker did, and I
> notice it looks funny because the top layer mode was interpreted
> wrong by the Gimp.  Here's the image.
> http://epierce.freeshell.org/bugzilla/soft_light.psd
> The top layer in this image is 'Soft Light' when loaded in
> Photoshop, but comes up 'Addition' under Gimp 2.0.4.  Of course, I
> can manually switch it to 'Soft Light' and it looks like what my
> co-worker probably intended.
> I notice this behavior under Gimp 2.0.4 (Win/Lin).  Under Gimp 2.1.4
> (Linux) it comes up as 'Overlay'.  It look alright as 'Overlay', but
> it still probably should be 'Soft Light'.
> Any ideas any one?  Should I bug report it?

Yes, please.

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