I'm using Debian and had a similar problem a while ago.  If I remember
correctly, it happened because I was doing "startx -- :1" instead of the
normal startx.  When doing that, I got really small fonts in gtk2 apps.
I figured out why it was happening (can't remember now, though) and
found that I needed to set my dpi to 100.  I now use "startx -- :1 -dpi
100".  So, if you're launching X in a non-standard way, you may want to
give this a shot.

On Sun, Oct 10, 2004 at 12:22:20PM +0200, Sven Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Marco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I would like to ask some gimp-questions...
> >
> > 1) What algorithm is used to resize images in the GIMP? Is there
> >    something like Paint Shop Pro's "smart resize"?
> We can't tell you unless you tell us what Paint Shop Pro's "smart
> resize" does.
> > 2) There is no preview for the unsharp mask filter. Is it true?
> True for GIMP 2.0. There is however a preview in the development
> version so GIMP 2.2 will have one.
> > 3) The menu (and dialogs) font is sooo small (i use debian). Have
> > you experienced something similar?
> Are you using the Small theme? If you've choosen the Small theme from
> the preferences dialog, you might experience very small fonts. The
> problem here is that gtkrc files only allow to set absolute font
> sizes. The font size we've choosen to hardcode in the Small theme is a
> reasonable choice if, and only if, your X server display resolution is
> properly setup. If the X server reports a wrong display resolution you
> may end up with a very small font. I'd suggest you fix your X server
> setup, and if that doesn't help, you edit the theme file and hardcode
> a larger font there.
> If you aren't using the Small theme, you simply need to change the
> font-size for GTK+ applications. If you are running GNOME, you can set
> that in the Desktop Preferences, otherwise you need to edit your
> ~/.gtkrc-2.0 file.
> Sven
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