On Monday 28 February 2005 8:47 pm, Michael Edwards wrote:
> I have also been experiencing problems with Gimp 2.2.4 and the
> Wacom Graphire 3 that match exactly what a previous poster
> experienced.
> 1) At a certain point, not long after I start using the tablet in
> Gimp, the cursor stops changing from, say, the paint cursor to
> the default pointer and just stays as the paint cursor, even
> outside the canvas. This means that I cannot access the palettes,
> the windows, or the rest of the desktop.  Using ALT-TAB stops
> working, too.
> 2) Once this happens, watching which device is active, I can
> switch from "Stylus" to "Eraser" without a problem, but it won't
> switch back to the Core Device once I start moving the mouse. 
> The cursor still responds and moves around, but the active device
> stays locked where it was, either as "Stylus" or "Eraser".
> 3) If I keep this up for a while, the cursor stops interacting
> with the canvas completely, so I can no longer paint or do
> anything.
> 4) Eventually, the pointer regains its ability to switch back to
> a default pointer outside the template, and I'm able to quit
> Gimp.
> I've tried this in Gimp 2.2.4 and Gimp 2.0, with the same problem
> reappearing.  The thing is, I used to have this working with 2.0,
> no problems at all.  My XFree86 setup is fine, I was once able to
> do everything without a problem.  The only differences I can
> think of are that:
> a) I've upgraded to the 2.6.10 kernel.  No difference with just
> the stock drivers or with the linuxwacom drivers added to it. b)
> I'm using garnome, version  I THINK that it was working
> after I had garnome installed, but I'm not 100%.
> What I definitely have in common with the previous poster is that
> I'm using kernel 2.6.10.  Has anyone else with a Wacom tablet and
> 2.6.10 installed run into this issue?  I'm going to switch back
> to 2.6.1 and see what happens.

Just confirming your observations, I get the same kind of anomalies 
w/ my graphire (version1?) tablet and the win4lin built 2.6.8-24.10 
kernel for suse9.2.


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