On Friday 01 April 2005 05:06 pm, Tom Williams wrote:

> Eric Pierce wrote:
> > I tried it and didn't see any changes to the interface.  GimpShop only
> > rearranges the menu structure to emulate Photoshop's a little closer.
> >
> > It's really meant for a PS user who is transitioning to the Gimp.  If
> > you're familar w/the Gimp, there's no need to use it (correct me if I'm
> > wrong).
> >
> > Eric P.
> Yeah, you're right but what concerns me is this kind of interface will
> cause people to view The Gimp as a "free PhotoShop" vs "The Gimp".  It it
> looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... you get the idea. :)
> I wonder if this will actually go anywhere.  :)
> Peace...
> Tom

One thing good about GimpShop is that I am now able to run Gimp 2.2.4. Have 
not been able to install a RPM successfully till now.

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