On Sat, 2005-06-11 at 20:44 -0700, Don Rozenberg wrote:
> Hi,
Hello Don and welcome to the gimp-user mailing list. I hope you enjoy
your stay.

> I am running gimp 2.7 in Knoppix/Debian
> Linux. (I saw the same behavior gimp 2,6.) I used apt-get to do the
> installation.
You probably confused some number because (last time I checked) there
was no gimp 2.7! 
Gimp 2.3.1 is the latest unstable version. And gimp 2.2.7 is the latest
_stable_ version.

> The steps I go through are:
>     1. Create a new image (image A) using the US-Letter template. This
>        is the image I will be printing.
>     2. Open an image (image B) I wish to add to image A.
>     3. Make Image B active, Edit->Copy.
>     4. Make Image A. Edit->Paste. 
>     5. Select scale tool and drag a corner to enlarge the image.
>     6. Click on the scale button.
> I get a partial image the same size as the original one I tried to
> resize but it only containing a corner of the enlarged image.  I think
> that this is a bug.

This doesn't happen in my gimp. I have 2.2.3 in linux. Try doing
Image>Scale Image on Image B before you copy and paste it to image A.
This might help.

> I tried this with gimp 2.7 on Windows XP and it seemed to work as I
> expected; i. e., the pasted image was enlarged when I clicked the
> scale button.  This differing behavior suggests that this is indeed a
> bug in the Linux version.
If you think it's a bug then (if you can) please go to 

And submit a bug by doing this:
First creating a new account (I know this could be a pain but it helps
the developers to track you down if they need more info from you).
Then login.
Go to above link.
On the first page choose appropriate option and then go to second page
(by clicking "next page" button).
Here make sure you put a check mark on "Click here to also show
applications not part of the GNOME 2 Desktop" 
Then on the selection list select "GIMP" then go "next page" again.
Then on this page the component is likely "tools" according to your
description. So choose that and move on to next page.
On this page you choose bug "severity" and move on.
Then you choose gimp version (in your case I think it's 2.2.7 and _not_
2.7 :)
Then _finally_ you fill out the details.

> Also, if I open, say, three images and copy-and-paste them onto a
> fresh letter-size image, I was expecting to see 4 layers, a background
> layer and three floating selection layers as I get when doing this in
> Photoshop Elements.  What I see instead is a background layer
> containing the first two images I copy-and-paste'ed plus one floating
> selection layer.  Is this the correct behavior?

Yes. I think the developers (God bless them) intended for this to
happen. When you copy one image into another (Edit> Copy then
Edit>paste), gimp does not automatically create a layer for you but
rather gives you a temporary layer called "Floating Selection (Pasted
Layer)". Now you have to options, one being "Anchor Layer" (access this
by right clicking on the floating layer) and the other "New Layer".
Anchor layer merges the floating layer and the layer under it, whereas
new layer puts the floating selection in a new layer. It turns out (I
just tried it) if you paste and you have "Floating Selection" layer then
the action that will be taken by gimp is make the "anchor layer".

Thanks for helping out The GIMP Don, and I hope you like it.


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