[EMAIL PROTECTED] said on May 17, 2008 7:31 -0400 (in part): I'm not sure why you need the layer masks? Won't the following work a little more simply or does method you suggest do something I've missed ...
1. Create new transparent layer, select it, leaving background visible.
2. Make rectangular selection to leave the border width desired (say 50 pixels) and invert ctrl+I 3. (optional) Select-feather choosing width half border width (say 25 pixels) 4. Select foreground color desired and drag to image. (will leave a solid (optionally feathered) border)
5. Drag opacity slider to 50% or to taste.
6. If "happy" merge visible.
Quoting Lap1994 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hello. I want to draw a image with a 50% opacity border.
> When I change the opacity of the pencil and use it, the selected color and
> the color where I use the pencil, combine itself. I do not want it, I want
> draw a pixel with exact 50% of alpha and the color selected. Like a bitmap
> with a alpha channel.

I can't think of a direct way to do that but it can be accomplished with a few extra steps.

* Duplicate your original layer (this will let you see the image as you paint).
* Add a black layermask to the duplicate layer.
* Apply the layermask. (The layer will become transparent, but the original color data is still there.) * Choose your paint tool and set the Opacity slider (in the Tool Options) to the level of _transparency_ which you desire. If you want the border to end up with 20% opacity then set the slider to 80% (fifty percent opacity means fifty percent transparency). * Paint the duplicate layer. (You can toggle the visibility of the original layer to see how the semi-transparent result of your painting will appear; however, the unpainted regions will not be visible.) * Add a layermask to the duplicate initialized to "Transfer the layer's alpha channel" with the "Invert" box checked.
* Hide or delete your original layer.

Regards ... Alec -- buralex-gmail

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