2008/10/3 Simon Budig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dotan Cohen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> Often when tabbing through the Gimp windows I find that any particular
>> window will be missing. Right now it is the Tools window. How does one
>> reopen it? The obvious place to look (View) does not have it in there.
>> Thanks.
> Not sure if this is the problem you're seeing, but note that you can
> toggle the toolbox and dock-dialogs with the Tab-key. If you hit that by
> accident windows will go missing...

Thank you, Simon, I think that it is safe to assume that it part of
the problem. However, just a few minutes ago the Main Window
disappeared on me as well. No prompt to save, nothing, it just is not
there. I would suspect a problem with KDE or Compiz, but this only
happens to Gimp.

When the Main Window disappears, how to get it back?

Dotan Cohen


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