On 08/12/2009 04:37 PM, J Figueroa G wrote:
> I have the 2.6.6 and when I work this filter, not work fine and close
> the program.
> I know that in another old versions the GELG work so good.
> Tutorial Link (english):
> http://www.flickr.com/groups/gimpusers/discuss/72157619079536887/
> Tutorial Link (spanish): http://docs.google.com/View?id=ddqdn9jz_8335d6vkdf
> Someone have an answer for this BUG.
> TY so much.

There is a known problem with the GIMP 2.6.6 installer, the GIMP 2.6.7 
installer will work properly. Until then, I recomend the GIMP 2.6.4 
installer. AFAIK the GIMP 2.6.5 installer is also broken.

  / Martin
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