I'm not using GIMP shop.

On 10-01-23 05:53 PM, Elwin Estle wrote:
Just to double check, you are using the actual Gimp and not Gimp-Shop, correct? There have been people who have posted to this list about problems with Gimp-Shop (which, in my experience anyway, was a major bug fest and crashed all over the place.), but Gimp Shop is NOT an official Gimp package, but something of a hacked up fork off the real Gimp.

--- On *Sat, 1/23/10, BGP /<bigsk...@gmail.com>/* wrote:

    From: BGP <bigsk...@gmail.com>
    Subject: [Gimp-user] Gimp crashes too much
    To: gimp-user@lists.XCF.Berkeley.EDU
    Date: Saturday, January 23, 2010, 8:27 AM

    Gimp "locks up" too often on my computer.  It just stops working
    and the
    screen turns gray and then the entire computer stops responding to
    commands so I can only shut down by pushing the power button and

    No other program on my machine locks up except gimp.

    How can I fix this?
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